How to Clean a Hot Tub

If only you can see the various kinds of germs and bacteria breeding in your hot tub, you will be running away screaming in horror. But since we are virtually blind to these microscopic things, we grope our safety in.

Cleaning your hot tub will assure you that no other form of micro organism will share your bath. Every week, make sure you do the following cleaning steps:

Step 1: Get a regular tub cleaner. Better yet, you can lemon juice with and salt to remove the gunk from the walls of the tub. Wedge lemons and dip it in table salt and scrub away. Target those corners.

You can also substitute this with baking soda and a scrub. Baking soda will also help remove stains or yellow-ish color from the tub. Just leave it there for a few minutes before scrubbing it and rinsing it off.

Step 2: Rinse the cleaner off using a hose. Make sure you scrub the walls clean so nothing is left there. It is better to use natural, skin-friendly cleaning agents as these will not cause allergies when there are residues left behind.

Step 3: The next step is to sanitize your tub. Fill up your tub. For every 100 gallons of water, pour ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide. You can purchase hydrogen peroxide specifically used for tubs in spa stores. Leave the solution there for ten minutes so it can remove germs and bacteria.

Step 4: Drain off the water contents of the tub and give it one last rinse. Now wipe the interior clean with a towel. Make sure everything is dry before putting the tub cover on.

Doing this every week will help you get rid of unwanted bacteria. But you should know that bacteria also breed when you are using your hot tub. While you are immersed in hot water for hours, bacteria could already be multiplying in number.

This is why you still need to mix chemicals. Chlorine, shock oxidizers, bromine and biguanides can remove unwanted germs from developing. Shock oxidizers also help remove other unwanted stuffs such as dead skin cells and lotion residues.

Once you have mastered the art of mixing chemicals, you should be able to enjoy your bath better. Ask the spa store where you got your tub for the right way of mixing chemicals. You can also get your supply of chemicals from them.


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