The bathroom can be a difficult place to get extra storage for your things. If you only have a small bathroom and a very small vanity unit can be difficult to find places to put away things, so that the bathroom looks tidy. Here are some ideas to help you.
Have you thought of using adjustable shelves? Adjustable shelves can be a great help in a small room, as you will have somewhere to fit even the most strange shaped items. And as your items change you can change the height of the shelves. These days, designers are coming up with many floating items for the bathroom, including floating hand basins. These are great for small bathrooms as they give the impression that there is plenty of space, however they do not give you any storage shelves or cupboards. This is where you have to think very creatively.
If you have someone in the family who is a great handyman, then there are many things you can then 3123 the do to get extra storage. Or he may know someone who will do this job for you. One of the things you can do to get extra storage is to make cut outs into the wall, and then hang extra shelves in that space. These can look fabulous as long as you fill up, knowing that they will be seen. If you have all white bath towels, you could roll them and store them on the shelves and they will look great.
Lastly, don't forget the corners of the bathroom. Although these areas look as though they are not good for much, if you buy a wonderful corner storage unit, you'll be amazed at how much storage they provide.
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