When you are out looking for bathroom faucet assemblies, you will be astonished by the large number of selections out there. They come in all sorts of materials and finishes. How do you know which one is best? The answer really depends on your particular needs and preferences. They all have their own specific advantages and disadvantages. Below is some information regarding the different types.
Chrome faucets are possibly the most common type out there. Chrome faucets are made by electroplating chrome finish over brass. They are quite economical as they are quite inexpensive to buy and also withstand scratches and corosion. The shiny coating of chrome also makes for a clean, contemporary look. On the downside, chrome faucets require frequent cleaning because soap scum and water marks can easily build up on them. The chrome plating will also peel off after a number of years.
Stainless steel faucets are another common type. They are also shiny, although not as shiny as chrome, and also provide a nice contemporary feel. However, they require less cleaning since it's harder for soap scum and water marks to build up onto stainless steel. On the downside, when it is actually time to clean them, you must use non abrasive sponges and cleaner because stainless steel can scratch easily. Finger prints can also show easily on stainless steel.
Nickel coated faucets are a fairly new option that is gaining lots of popularity in bathroom decor. They look like stainless steel, however They are able to withstand everything that stainless steel and chrome can't, erosion, scratches, water marks, and finger prints. The one drawback they really have is, just like any type of plating, the nickel plating could peel off after many years. They are typically more pricey than other kinds of faucet assemblies.
Brass faucet assemblies are an excellent choice if you would like to provide your bathroom with a classic look. There is no plating involved, and there is no need to be concerned about a ruined appearance due to peeling. However, they are vulnerable to scratches and rust so you are going to have to polish frequently, but they can last a very long time if you are able to do regular upkeep on them. Other than that, brass faucets are typically more pricey than other types of faucet assemblies.
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